A modern horizontal autoclave complies with the rules for the safe operation of vessels operating under high pressure and EU technical operating standards.
The product is heated by a system of heating blocks. Cooling is provided by a double-circuit cooling system equipped with a high-efficiency plate-type heat exchanger (reduces water consumption) and a powerful circulation pump. It allows us to connect the autoclave to the production water exchange system and obtain the most effective thermoregulation indicators.
Due to the efficiency of the steaming system, the process of temperature acceleration and cooling of the product occurs evenly throughout the volume of the autoclave quickly and efficiently.
The operation is controlled on a touchscreen display, where sterilization programs can be entered and adjusted. The sterilization data process is recorded on a flash drive installed in an industrial computer.
The interface of the control program is characterized by a high level of “usability” and consistency that accelerates the learning process and ease of the usage. The autoclave is equipped with a three-level security system, which makes it impossible to open the door if there is excess pressure inside the vessel.
The control system provides for both short-term and long-term power outages. After its restoration, the system will automatically adjust the product processing program.
Made of AISI 304 stainless steel, the body is covered with mineral wool and sheathed with a stainless steel sheet to provide thermal insulation.
The pressure and temperature in the autoclave are recorded automatically on a memory drive. The system’s safety parameters during sterilization are controlled synchronously electrically, mechanically, and pneumatically.
Capacity: 1 basket (included)
Material: Food-grade, acid-resistant stainless steel AISI 304
Overall dimensions of the autoclave (L×W×H): 2100×1640×1500 mm
Dimensions of the baskets (L×W×H): 450×450×1000 mm
Body diameter: 700 mm
Weight: 850 kg
Working volume: 0.5 m³
Working pressure of the autoclave: 0.3 MPa
The working temperature of the medium: Up to 140 °C
Power: Up to 50 kW
Cold water consumption: Up to 0.5 m³/h
Capacity of jars in the basket (Ø99 mm, height 80 mm): Approximately 200 jars
AQ-tech Controller: PLC 110
Number of programs in the controller memory: Up to 60 units
Cycle Duration: The sterilization time is set by the operator according to the sterilization chart data, depending on the product being heated. Heating to 121 °C takes 20–25 minutes; the sterilization time depends on the sterilization chart, and cooling takes about 25 minutes (down to +30 °C).
Quality of the autoclave’s internal circuit water: purified drinking water (pH — neutral; ensure the absence of calcium and chlorine salts).
Quality of the autoclave’s cooling circuit water: drinking water.
Cooling water temperature (during cooling mode): From 110 °C down to 30 °C.
Water discharge from the heat exchanger: it can be discharged either to a separate sewer system or into the enterprise’s hot water supply system.
Electrical equipment protection class: IP54.