Industrial horizontal autoclaves are the main type of equipment for industrial sterilization, cooking, or pasteurization of food products. At the same time, it is possible to achieve the high taste of the products’ characteristics, as well as ensure a long shelf life of up to 3 years.
It is worth noting that the horizontal type of autoclave has several advantages over the vertical type, and only it can provide an easily scalable, in combination with other related equipment, industrial output volume. These are meat stews, pates, canned food, rations in retort bags, porridge with meat, canned or boiled vegetables and fruits, ready-made meals in plastic trays, wet animal food, condensed milk, and others.
First of all, the main criterion while choosing an autoclave is the planned production capacity, considering the factor of the enterprise’s production area, as the equipment is large. Horizontal autoclaves can have one to six baskets, so the size of the processed products can also be different. At higher production volumes, semi-automatic autoclave basket loaders must be used. When planning the operation of a future autoclaving workshop, many related technological processes also require space. These are cooking kettles, bubbler washers for fruits and vegetables, minced meat mixers, and much more.
The following technical components are required to operate a horizontal autoclave: hydraulic, heat exchange, software, and tightness.
Hydraulic is a powerful circulation pump for the shower system and the autoclave body.
The heat exchanger is a plate heat exchanger and a showering system with a group of pneumatic valves that regulate the temperature increase and decrease during the heat treatment of products.
Software – allows you to have different heat treatment programs for manufactured products in the control system’s memory. The cooking process is completely automatic. The control interface is implemented on a touch-sensitive console.
Tightness is guaranteed by a bayonet lock and pneumatic door seal.
All the above characteristics ensure the sterilization mode is set to 120°C in 20 minutes. Exactly this factor makes it possible to perform high-quality sterilization of products, which allows you to kill all microorganisms and their strains in meat products and ensure a long shelf life.
An important characteristic is the heating type; it can be steam, electric, or oil. The steam one is the most often used. Electric autoclaves can have a maximum of two baskets. It needed an impressive supply of electrical power at the enterprise, which not everyone has to operate.
The main advantage of a horizontal autoclave over a vertical one is the uniformity of product heating and efficiency. The autoclave must comply with international standards for high-pressure vessels. Factors that should be taken into account while choosing an industrial horizontal autoclave are productivity, capacity, technical characteristics, safety, and economic efficiency.
The versatility of such equipment allows it to be used in various fields:
It is suitable not only for use in large enterprises but will also be an excellent assistant in small business formation. You can buy an industrial horizontal autoclave by contacting the “Rozfood” company. In the catalog, you may choose the appropriate model based on your own preferences and intended purpose. If you have any difficulties choosing the one, you can always clarify the information with the managers by calling the phone number listed on the website.
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